Monday, October 27, 2008

Phones Made For Sales People

In the last few years, softphones – essentially virtual telephones that reside on your PC - have become very popular with the road warrior set. Using a softphone means those workers don’t need to pack extra equipment when they travel, and because they work over the Internet, it can help save a lot of money on the long distance charges that traveling employees often incur.

There are cons of course. In order to receive calls your PC needs to be powered on, and in the event of a system crash your softphone won’t function. There is also the issue of network traffic that can degrade call quality. For those, and other reasons, a physical phone handset is still the best option in an office setting. If you do a lot of traveling or remote working though, a softphone is a nice option.

We get a lot of questions from customers asking about which softphone they should use with their TalkSwitch system, and we’re always happy to point them in the direction of the Counterpath Eyebeam v1.5. It’s an easy to use product that integrates nicely with the TalkSwitch feature set.

You can find more information on the Counterpath Eyebeam by visiting the website at:

Source: Chris Brennan, Talkswitch